The chainsaw is capable of a massacre. Unlike any other melee weapon, the Powersaw uses 200 liters of gasoline to function. Thus, will malfunction once ran out. Its secondary fire mode allows a horizontal slash to occur and inflicts a high knockback against multiple targets while not using up any gasoline. However, it is effective at close range only.
Advantages High magazine capacity High damage Can harm multiple targets at a time Short reload time Lighter than knife Secondary attack does not use up any gasoline Secondary attack has higher attack range than the Skull-9 Secondary attack can knock multiple targets far away at once Secondary attack has very high knockback (higher than the hammer) Deal headshots with Deadly Shot | Disadvantages Effective at close range only High recoil Uses primary weapon slot despite being a melee
[Installation] - Copy models, sound, sprites foldes to your cstrike folder - You have 2 choices + You are using Zombie Plague 4.3: Use file zp_extra_powersaw.sma + You are using a normal gameplay: Use file powersaw.sma
[Usage] - Get PowerSaw + With ZP4.3: Open Extra Item menu + With Normal Server: Open Console and type "admin_get_powersaw” (Only for admin). (You can change the command)
Внимание: Бензопила является основным оружием, не ножом.